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US Patent No. 7,785,065 B2 hydrokinetic generator is secured in place on a moving body of water. The driving force of the generator is the reinforced fabric scoops that unfurl into the water to be pulled and pushed downstream by the powerful, cohesive kinetic energy of a flowing body of water. Energy that is eight hundred times greater than the energy from wind. The scoops are attached to a conveyer type belt that rotates to power an electrical generator.

A technological advantage of the generator compared to the two main operating hydrokinetic generators, Verdant Power and Hydro Green Energy is that they are both totally submersed into the water. The disadvantage of operating while submersed is that the energy gained from the waters movement on a turbine or a blade’s rotation is limited by the friction or drag of having to rotate through the density of the water.

The advantages of the U.S. Patent No. 7,785,065 B2 generator of not being fully submerged:

  • The power generating scoops that are pulled downstream, fold close and travel upstream out of the resistance of the water current
  • It is easier to float the generator into place of operation than to construct and repair a device under water,
  • Less disruptive to fish migration and river bottoms.

The U.S. Patent No. 7,785,065 B2 generator is designed to operated on thousands of miles of untapped rivers and aqueducts worldwide